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Welcome to Echoes in Dust! As a musician, a fandom geek, and a human being living in the modern world, such as it is, I will be writing about and talking with people that have interesting things going on in music, art, literature, film and in world news. Enjoy the ride.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Random acts of economic violence

As an insomniac, I spend many evenings/ mornings staring at the ceiling going "WTF!?" before wandering off to another part of the house to occupy myself to the point where counting sheep might be accomplished. This night wasnt very different than many others save one dramatic, and I'm betting, costly, event!
Having coaxed myself to a sleep friendly state, I heard a loud crash in progress  outside. Springing to the window, I saw the biggest fucking monster tow truck I'd ever seen finish jumping a sidewalk and plow into a parked Lexus!! Damn, I thought!! What happened!? Before I could reflect on that question too deeply, the driver of the truck, threw it into reverse, backed up and haul assed away from the scene worthy of the old Dukes of Hazard car chases! Harsh!!!
The cops were called, of course, and they duly arrived, three cars and 6 cops deep,( slow night, I guess) to stand around with flashlights and and radios and entertain themselves and a few die hards who were now also awake, for all too few scant minutes before even I drifted off.
Sometime later, to the sound of voices I faded back in. Even in the predawn darkness, the grim demeanors of the newly awakened Lexus owners became evident as they clearly grappled with what just happened. Some fool(s) had smashed up their doubtlessly, hard earned transportation and had skipped off into the dwindling night without so much as an "oh, my bad!"
This kind of casual, economic violence is tantamount to random sodomy/rape but it happens, in other forms frequently and in plain view. Watched the news lately? Been online? How's that 401k? How's your bank account? The main shocking thing about the story I relayed is that it DIDN'T take place in the light of day, under the eager glare of the media lens and we didn't get a slow, excruciating play by play as our collective cheeks were gruffly spread with the air of ENTITLEMENT so commonly found in these situations today.  It's still economic sodomy nonetheless and I hope Flo from Progressive, the Gecco from Geico or whoever is in a compassionate mood when this comes across their desk. Chances are, they won't be, as they have Executives to feed, but I digress!!

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